Also, some of the content from the game proper appears to be missing however, much of it can be found inside the game files.The originally planned ending would have provided in-game fates - and in many cases, deaths - for all of the characters who travel with the main player character. The game contains a sizable number of bugs, which occasionally cripple game play. Pressured developer to finish the game for a holiday release, leading many to speculate that the development had been rushed. There has been some controversy regarding this content. I find your lack of sources disturbing.This article needs to be provided with more sources and/or appearances to conform to a of article quality.Cut content from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords refers to content which was originally intended to appear in the but was not included in the game, or content which can be found in the game files but was not incorporated into the game.

KOTOR2:TSL Influence guide? There was a very detailed influence guide posted on back.

Kotor 2 mod recommendations and how to apply them. Cheats, codes, and glitches for Star Wars KOTOR 2: The Sith Lords on PC, including easy level up, enable cheat method and more.